NOBCChE Financial Information

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NOBCChE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and classified as a public charity under section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, registered in the State of Georgia, representing more than 5,000 members, sponsors, and advocates. Contributions to NOBCChE are tax deductible under section 170 of the code (EIN: 58-1285586). The mission of NOBCChE is to create an eminent cadre of people of color in science and technology. To this end, NOBCChE has established educational partnerships with school districts, municipalities, businesses, universities, and other organizations in the public and private sectors. NOBCChE has distributed more than $1.6M in undergraduate/graduate fellowships and student travel awards. NOBCChE finances are independently audited. Financial oversight is provided by the NOBCChE Budget and Finance Committee and the NOBCChE Audit Committee.

The NOBCChE Budget and Finance Committee, advises the Executive Board and Council on the finances of the Organization. The role of the NOBCChE Budget and Finance committee is to implement financial policies and other Board financial actions within established budgets and in undertaking specific action delegated to the committee by the Executive Board. The committee reviews the fiscal health of NOBCChE and with the Executive Director prepares and recommends an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board. For more information, see NOBCChE SOP Section 400.2.3.

The NOBCChE Audit Committee assists the Executive Board in monitoring the accounting, financial and external reporting policies and practices of the Organization. This committee shall ensure the integrity of the Organization’s financial statements; provide oversight of operational policies and practices that affect internal controls; performing the Organization’s internal audit function; the Organization’s compliance with legal requirements and its standards of business conduct and ethics. For more information, see NOBCChE SOP Section 400.2.1

If you have additional questions, please contact: the NOBCChE treasurer at [email protected].

IRS Information